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Yellow phosphorus energy efficiency New Deal landing, Yungui region price within the month up 13.67%

Writer: MAYHARVEST Time:2022-10-07 15:26:23 /p>

Yellow phosphorus energy efficiency New Deal landing, Yungui region price within the month up 13.67%

As the largest province of yellow phosphorus in China, the impact of the new energy efficiency deal in Yunnan on the market has attracted much attention.


In order to fully cope with the severe situation of extreme drought and abnormally low inflow of hydropower and ensure the security of power supply, the relevant departments of Yunnan Province recently formulated the Energy Efficiency Management Plan for energy-consuming Industries from September 2022 to May 2023 to implement energy efficiency management for high-energy-consuming industries. It is reported that in order to implement the new policy, from the midnight of September 26, a number of yellow phosphorus enterprises in Yunnan Province to reduce production, production.


It is reported that Yunnan, Sichuan and Guizhou, which are rich in water and phosphorus resources, are the main producing areas of yellow phosphorus in China, and Yunnan's yellow phosphorus production capacity accounts for nearly 50% of the total production capacity, ranking first in the country. In 2021, China's effective yellow phosphorus production capacity was 1,434,500 tons, with Yunnan, Sichuan and Guizhou accounting for 46%, 23% and 19% of the total production capacity, respectively.

Yellow phosphorus is one of the main downstream phosphate ores and is located in the middle reaches of the phosphorus chemical industry chain. It takes more than 10 tons of phosphate ores to produce 1 ton of yellow phosphorus, which requires high temperature in the production process and is a chemical with high energy consumption.

Affected by the dual control of energy consumption, the effective production capacity and output of yellow phosphorus in China have shown a significant downward trend in recent years. From 2017 to 2021, the effective production capacity of yellow phosphorus in China has decreased from 1,556,000 tons to 1,395,500 tons, a decrease of more than 10%, and the production has decreased from 881,900 tons to 689,000 tons, a decrease of more than 20%.


From the demand side, glyphosate, the most used herbicide in the world, is one of the main downstream of yellow phosphorus, accounting for nearly 30% of its consumption. In the short term, into the "gold nine silver ten" yellow phosphorus downstream peak season, yellow phosphorus demand is expanding. In the long term, the rise in global agricultural prices will promote the demand for glyphosate and other agricultural materials. China is a major glyphosate producer, and the downstream glyphosate demand will continue to increase.

In addition, yellow phosphorus as glyphosate base raw material, accounting for 20% of glyphosate production cost. Yellow phosphorus supply changes, price increases may further affect glyphosate prices.