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Recently, China's domestic phosphate rock supply and demand is tight.

Writer: MAYHARVEST Time:2022-09-07 16:33:50 /p>

Recently, China's domestic phosphate rock supply and demand is tight

China's phosphate mines are concentrated in Sichuan, Guizhou and Yunnan provinces.


The recent market is as follows:

Because the downstream demand is general, the turnover of enterprises is low, the domestic phosphate ore market in Sichuan is not good. Due to the earthquake, all underground mining work has been shut down until further notice. As of September 6, 30% of the concentrate in Sichuan area is between 1000-1050 yuan/ton.


Private mining enterprises in Kaiyang area of Guizhou Province will suspend production for some reason, and a large mining enterprise will also suspend production in the middle of September, so the price in Guizhou market is basically not quoted. It is reported that the recovery of mining after mid-late October, the overall market supply decline significantly, the market spot circulation will be more scarce. 30% of the raw ore in Guizhou is between 1030-1080 yuan/ton (the price of the plate).


Yunnan market temporarily stable operation, the market price is high, the supply of goods is tight, most enterprises do not quote, mining enterprises mainly for old customers or self-use. The price of 28% phosphate ore is 970 yuan/ton.


Hubei market consolidation is the main, the market price continues in the early stage, there is no big fluctuation, although the downstream market is weak, but the overall supply and demand of ore is tight. In Hubei Province, the price of 30% ammonium phosphate ore is 1035 yuan/ton (ship plate price), and the price of 28% ammonium phosphate ore is 975 yuan/ton (ship plate price).